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Commonly Asked Questions
People who experience:
Physical, behavioral or emotional symptoms that aren’t resolving with traditional talk therapy, medical support, or spiritual practice
Developmental trauma (C-PTSD) or shock trauma/PTSD (ex. medical trauma, accidents, assaults, natural disasters)
Emotional issues such as anxiety, depression or numbness
Lack of self-esteem and/or self-trust
Fawning/people pleasing
Feeling directionless or not connected with self
Disconnection from their body, their inner knowing, their ‘yes’ and ‘no’
Feeling stuck in particular behavioral patterns
Looking outside for answers
Auto-immune disease, chronic health issues or medically unexplained symptoms
Relational difficulties
In somatic work we start by establishing a shared understanding of your goals and intentions, which will guide our work together. In sessions, we slow things down and co-create a container in which to safely explore the “felt sense” (the body’s present-moment experience) with curiosity and compassion. We work in a gentle, titrated way, at the pace of your individual nervous system. This minimizes the likelihood of re-traumatization and increases your capacity to tolerate both pleasure and pain without being overwhelmed. By taking an inward journey and gradually learning to reconnect with bodily sensations, emotions, behaviors and meaning without making them bad or wrong, self-trust can be restored. We can repair boundary ruptures, complete thwarted responses and release intense survival energies that have been keeping our nervous system in a state of hyperarousal (stress) or hypoarousal (collapse, freeze). This slow and gentle approach supports the body as it renegotiates the effects of trauma and stress which have become trapped within the physiology. It brings the nervous system back into healthy rhythms so that innate qualities such as self-trust, congruence, vitality, creativity, ease and aliveness are restored.