Jadina Lilien, MFA, CFT


Jadina Lilien MFA, CFT (Certified Focusing Trainer).

Jadina has been facilitating Family Constellations Sessions and Readings for over 12 years. Some of her methods include professional training in Ancestral Family Constellations, comprehensive education with the felt sense body-mind approach from the International Focusing Institute, Jungian dreamwork, including mystical principles and the knowledge of the creative processes connecting to the intelligence of the natural world.

Please contact Jadina to book a session for yourself,  your organization or your community.


Family Constellation Sessions & Readings
Utilizing mystical principles on unity
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Jadina Lilien has cultivated a subtle and refined ability to tap into sacred intelligence and archetypal image, bringing into the present moment very relevant insights into each client's family constellation. She helped me witness precisely what was needed. Her work is both expansive and extremely practical.`` - Bruce Schneider, Chiropractor
Thank you for your masterful leadership in your offering of Family Constellations. I have learned so much from you. - Cornelia Wathen/Emotional Coding
Jadina has a very unique ability to tap into the natural healing potential that is within all of us and yet bigger than us. The combination of this innate ability and her years of meticulous training to hone her skills make her offerings to others very powerful. - Susan Myoyu Anderson/ Zen Teacher