Michelle Kennedy

My Reiki Healer

Michelle has the intuitive ability to identify your authentic energetic vibration and help reconnect you to the energetic parts of yourself that are needed to regain your sense of truth, confidence, and purpose.



All her life, people have told Michelle she was “too sensitive”. As a child, she felt energy and emotions deeply, leaving her feeling alone and misguided. After going through many difficult times in her own life, including chronic childhood illness and trauma, Michelle has embraced her scars and intuitive gifts, discovering her life’s purpose is to help others do the same. You too can raise your energetic vibration and intuition, by embracing all light and dark qualities within, freeing yourself of what’s not yours, and finding your authenticity, true balance, purpose and peace.



In today’s world, everyday stress can be stagnating or even blinding. Reiki can help you break old patterns of fear or imbalance and align you onto the path to the real you. Reiki is a form of energy healing that clears away all frequencies that don’t align with your true, authentic energetic field and restores and realigns what is yours and what is needed to empower you to your highest vibration possible. Akashic Records work goes deeper and helps connect you to your soul’s highest wisdom and strength from past lives, while addressing karmic patterns that are ready to be cleared to help you move forward into this reality and lifetime with clarity and confidence. You deserve to live your best life possible! Lifetimes have led you here. Heal your past and live with purpose now!

A well-rounded and versed energy healer, she is an Usui Reiki Master, Akashic Records Guide, Light Language Empowerment Channel, Ashram-trained yoga teacher, meditation and mindfulness facilitator, and author of the book Hold Space: Affirmations & Meditations for Healing & Loving Yourself. She is also the 2023 Chronogrammies First Place Reiki Practitioner!

Michelle Kennedy at Woodstock Healing Arts


Reiki Master, Akashic Records Guide

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I don’t even know where to start. I don’t know how Michelle does what she does but she is the real deal. She was Refered to me by a nurse I met while being in and out of the hospital. This was my first time doing reiki and not only when I went into a session with her did she uncover the emotions and truths I didn’t want to see and accept with myself, through a past life regression did I uncover my try gifts, and helped with physical, emotional and spiritual healing. We all know our true gifts deep down. However , because of society’s standards and what is considered “the norm “ we are afraid to acknowledge and even accept them. Michelle ability helps to clear that fog , helps you feel grounded and attuned to the world that is unseen 🌹🤯. She’s a force to be reckon with and is the real deal. I say to all those that are struggling with pain physically , emotionally and spiritually Michelle is the guide through that fog to help you get clear and acknowledge yourself and the higher powers that be to help guide and heal you on levels that western science can not explain, regardless of your religious association . This skeptic is now a believer. If you are unsure I say this to you: Take that leap, that leap of fAith and let God and the higher beings do the rest. After all if you are reading this. You have nothing left to lose! — KF
Michelle is absolutely amazing. My sessions with her truly gave me a new life. Her intuition and abilities are unlike anything I have experienced, and through our sessions I’ve been able to connect with the versions of myself and have been suppressed by trauma and ptsd and it’s such an emotional and eye opening experience. She’s honestly better than a therapist, I would recommend her to everyone for any kind of mental/spiritual healing. — RK
Michelle is an amazing person and reiki healer! During quarantine, I decided to do a distance reiki session with her and it was such a great experience that I’ve gone back for more sessions! She is thoughtful and kind. Answering all of my questions prior to starting, while normalizing my skepticism 😂
By working with Michelle, I’ve learned so much about myself and what I need to be balanced throughout my life. I feel more awake, aligned and excited after every session! I’m so grateful to Michelle and reiki for all that’s opened up for me after my first session! If you’re thinking about booking a session with Michelle, DO IT! You won’t regret it! — JD
I really cannot recommend Michelle enough. She is truly an intuitive healer and our sessions have been awe inspiring. I have no idea how any of what happens during our reiki session is possible and yet something always magical and indescribable occurs. Such releases, breakthroughs, wisdom revealing, shifting of energy, and intense healing is always present for our sessions and I can’t wait for more and continue down this path. — JM
My first session with Michelle was nothing short of incredible. We did a distance reiki session with akashic records. The entire process was lovely. Michelle was honest, professional, funny, and made sure I was completely grounded the entire session. I trusted Michelle and have grown to adore my sessions with her. She moves the junk out, explains the process, and makes sure you have the tools to take care of yourself after heavy sessions. She has affirmed and opened up so many aspects of myself that I never believed, I’d always explained away or done the opposite of what my gut was saying. Each session I feel more and more empowered to listen to myself, because I know my sh*t! If you’re looking for someone who has done deep work on herself in order to be an incredibly open vessel for the people she works with, Michelle is it. She is the most down to earth healer I’ve encountered on my journey and you can count on her to create a safe space for you to grow and expand on your journey. 10/10 would recommend over and over again! — ED
I’ve been working with Michelle for a couple of years in a distance capacity. The level of healing and the degree of detail in her sessions and channeling is incredible and spot on. What comes through is what is meant to come through. I always feel better, and always have releases. Repeat sessions are something necessary, and always helpful. She’s seen me through a whole hell of a lot—too much to detail, but most recently she grounded me after I had been way too open. She herself is incredibly grounded, down to earth and compassionate—you don’t often find that combo with spiritual folks! Michelle takes excellent care of her own energy—this is a very important but often overlooked aspect of reiki healing. — CH
Michelle worked on my cat, Oliver, who I adopted at a shelter. The shelter didn't know much about his past, but I knew he had some trauma based off the instinct I felt when I met him. Michelle sent him distant Reiki and I've seen such a difference in his behavior. He's more social, comes out of hiding, doesn't shake or have timid body postures as much anymore, and she was able to identify some of the traumatic events that happened in his young life, which helped me understand him more! If you have a pet with any noticeable issues (or not!) definitely get them a session of reiki. It's helped our relationship and I am just so thankful to see him more at peace!
I am also trained by Michelle in Reiki level 1 and it's helped me feel more grounded and comfortable in my spirituality. It's also helped ease and anxiety and stress in my life! Overall, very beneficial technique that I can't stop recommending. — LD
Working with Michelle has been life changing. I was dealing with extreme exhaustion, pain, insomnia, and anxiety when I first started visiting her. After our first session I slept like a baby the entire night. Michelle gave me tools to ground myself and to find peace in my day to day and stressful work life. I have a hard time believing in the ``woo woo`` but Michelle really helped me. She has a very calming and loving presence and makes you feel extremely safe and comfortable. She has a lifetime client in me! — SP
Michelle was such a Godsend! She made me feel very comfortable, and she just emits positive energy. She has helped me a lot mentally and emotionally. Plus, through her I was able to learn about my spirit guides, past lives, soul’s origin, and more! —SB
Michelle is awesome and then some! If you haven’t tried reiki before and you probably haven’t if you’re reading this review then I cannot explain how much you are missing out! People that have experienced a reiki session already understand the benefits of it! Michelle is a great specialist and I’ve always felt safe and secure when having a session with her. A healthy balanced life is a lot closer than you think! — MT
I had several session with Michelle. From the moment I met her I knew that my experience would be life changing. You automatically feel her energy through your interactions with her, while feeling safe. I look forward to continuing my healing journey with Michelle and would recommend her to anyone looking to experience Reiki or looking to start their self healing/love journey. — KD
I had a session of distance reiki with Michelle about a month ago and it was INCREDIBLE. It was my first reiki session and I wasn't sure what to expect or how it would feel over the phone but I had a really amazing experience. The next day I felt like I could take my first deep breath in months. She also told me some really cool stuff about some of my past lives. I would highly recommend her and am looking forward to setting up a second session! — KS
The environment Michelle works in is one that's warm, welcoming, and relaxing. Laying down on a table and focusing on breathing deep and mindfully. It's strange. What happened felt as if it were a nap, but something more as well. We finished with her sharing both professional insight and personal intuition, which shed light in interesting ways, like a gentle guiding hand. Ending our session left me both refreshed and with greater clarity. Like unlocking jammed floodgates to allow for uninterrupted flow of your own potential.
For those who hear of Reiki and react with scoffs and thoughts of it being ``woo-woo.`` It's fair to say that things of this nature are different. But that doesn't mean bad or ineffective. After having several sessions with Michelle, I'm confident in recommending her services. While that doesn't guarantee she is meant for everyone. Everyone is welcome at her practice. —BB
Michelle introduced me to the world of reiki 12 years ago after many conversations of me telling her I was feeling drained and haunted and visited (yes I know how this sounds). My first interaction was a general clearing as many things had been bothering me and the peace and calming that it had brought to me had me hooked. She had confirmed many things that I knew to be experiences of mine that I had felt crazy talking about, and shared feedback with me to help me to move forward. Since that first session I have repeatedly gone back to Michelle at times I've felt most taxed and unsettled, and even during the good times with many changes going on around me. Michelle has always dedicated time afterward to share her experience of sessions in what she has been shown or told, including not so nice things in a very kind way, including interpretations, guidance, and support. She has been available for follow up questions and even sent emails with mantras or special messages or texts if we did a distance healing together. She is authentic in her practice and genuine in her desire to provide healing. It is most certainly a calling of hers! — SG
I’ve had a few sessions with Michelle and will continue in the future. Her work is revealing and healing. She has helped me to reconnect and heal aspects of my inner child. I’m grateful for her and her practice. I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a Reiki healer. — MS