Anjahlia (Kate Loye)

Soul Listening: Akashic Records Readings



Anjahlia has been compassionately working in the healing arts for over 24 years.  She carries Cherokee Female Medicine lineage that connects her to the indigenous and Mother Earth.  Since childhood, she had visions and would astral travel and journey at night.  Along with other sentient gifts of heightened kinesiology, intuitive, telepathic and empathic abilities.  These opened her to the cosmos and the spiritual realms.  When she began studying and meditating, she would see images, and intuitively began automatic channel writing with her guides.  Later, she found that she was a Seer, a Master Seer who had not shut down her third eye since Atlantis.

Anjahlia has studied many modalities including a 4 yr IM School of Healing in NYC, many energy psychology modalities, Health Kinesiology, Tibetan Buddhism, and Bon Shamanic Buddhism.  Anjahlia began hearing Eygptian Masters, Quan Yin, and other Goddesses, while spontaneously seeing and channeling as she worked as a Master Level Healer at The Kripalu Yoga Institute in  Massachusetts.

Anjahlia is an active seeker of wisdom from her counsel, the earth, humanity and all things.  Anjahlia offers Ascension Gateway Activations on facebook live, and her youtube channel.  She also teaches awakening programs for seers, creativity, and ascension of the New Human on this beautiful New Earth.

Servicing by zoom across the globe. A recording will be emailed to you after each session. Bring a glass of water, an essential oil, and Kleenex to your session.

Their Approach:

ANJAHLIA (Kate Loye) is a Cosmic Shaman, working to bring heaven to earth in this awakening project of the New Earth.  Anjahlia offers Seer Akashic Record Readings, Soul Listening Sessions, and Next Octave privates in person at Woodstock Healing and on ZOOM across the globe.  Anjahlia is a compassionate and deep listener to your soul’s longings.

This session is a sacred ceremony where we open your Akashic Records, pierce through your hidden veil walls, and find your heart’s longings and hidden treasures of your purpose.  We speak to your multidimensional presence, your angels, enlightened guides, teachers, magical beings, and higher Self.

  • Anjahlia holds you in your I AM Flame (your identity) and shamanically pulls away the shadow, to ignite, and activate your Mission Codes, DNA, your innate creativity, flow, and happiness.

  • This session works on all areas of your life as well as with your beliefs and consciousness through all time, space and dimension.  Anjahlia also speaks to the separation, the lost aspects, the sad and hidden parts … inviting all to come into light, love and truth, which opens the gateway to your own empowerment and gifts.

  • You will find potent and immediate shifts to your relationships, health, beliefs, and abundance, beginning a healing process that raises you to a higher octave.  You will feel lighter, more resilient, confident, and encouraged to co-create and manifest the life your hearts wants to lead.

  • "Kate Anjahlia is one of the most sincere, dynamic and authentic healers I have ever experienced!, ... and I have seen many on my path of ascension, and it's true!"


  • "Anjahlia is possessed of a rare and remarkable gift, even among elite healers: the ability to “see” what needs to be healed, and in what order, even if the client cannot easily describe or identify it. This healing builds and unfolds in layers until all that is not of a client’s true essence falls away, including dis-ease, misfortune, and more. I have been amazed by the tangible results I have seen in the few months I have worked with Anjahlia, results that include a new job and huge strides in a tricky orthopedic situation, and I anticipate even more great things to come. Thanks! "


  • "Anjahlia's work has been very profound and helped me heal and shift patterns in my relationships which hadn't moved otherwise. In addition it reopened my creativity in many ways, allowing me to feel confident, trusting in the divine and in the worth and value of my creations which have expressed through writing, painting, drawing, networking and new work projects that are aligned to my soul and mission... With all my heart, thank you xoxo. "


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