Korneel Bouman
Licensed Massage Therapist
About Korneel
At once analytical, intuitive and compassionate, Korneel uses a mix of modalities to customize their clients’ treatments based on their physical and emotional needs. They have observed time and time again how people become disconnected from their body, whether through trauma, overwork, stress, or lack of time, and help their clients restore balance to their mind-body-spirit connection.
Korneel is a careful listener, takes the time necessary to talk with their clients to get to the heart of what’s going on, and works with (and within) their comfort level. Korneel cares deeply for their clients, which shines through in the calm, comforting, and restful container they create while working with them.
Born and raised in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Korneel now calls the Catskills his home, drawn in by the mountains, skies, and nature. They gladly work with anybody that feels called to work with them, and have special affinity for those that have previously experienced trauma, and the LGBTQIA+ population. Korneel is licensed in New York State.
Their Approach:
Massage therapy is about so much more than working with the physical body. It’s about bringing your body, mind, and spirit back in alignment, about feeling deeply and letting go, about finding space and safety within yourself, about (re)learning to listen to and honor your body, about journeying through time and space, and about just being. And sometimes it’s about making a deliberate, radical choice to take time for yourself.
Using the body as an interface, taking care to engage the parasympathetic nervous system, Korneel brings their clients into a state of deep relaxation. This allows the body to self regulate, and for the mind, body, and spirit to come back into alignment. At the same time, Korneel’s mix of left brain analytical and mechanical understanding of the muscles and their movements, and right brain intuition allows them to effectively address specific issues as well. Please see their website to read more about their approach and to book a session.