During a breathwork session, Corrine guides you through a powerful and straightforward breathing technique. This technique opens channels and transforms the mind, body, and spirit by creating a non-ordinary state of being.

Breathwork is an active meditation technique that uses the breath to purge the body and nervous system of emotional debris.  It is part catharsis, part socially sanctioned adult temper tantrum, and part consciousness altering.  The experience moves stagnant emotional energy and facilitates release of strong emotions like anger and sadness.  It can help you to find a home in your body and your heart and help you learn to trust yourself.  It leaves you feeling softer, open and less burdened.

Benefits of breathwork:

Release of stuck or stagnant emotions in the body

A heart opening to greater love

Access to greater creativity and expression

Deeper connection to self, guides, ancestors, the natural world, and Spirit

Increased compassion, understanding and authentic connection in relationships

Renewed energy and clarity

Heightened intuition and receptivity

Decreased anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, depression, and confusion



Massage Therapy and Breathwork