Emily Barzin

Integrated Energy Therapist

In 2001, right before Emily was about to attend school to become a NYS licensed massage therapist, she had an accident that left her with a lacerated left thumb tendon. This shifted the direction of how she would begin sharing her passion and talent as a healer. Her attention was brought back to her love of horses and so she decided to get her education and first certification in the healing arts as an Equine sports massage therapist.


In 2002 Emily enrolled and attended the Long Island Institute of BTB Feng Shui. The experience of studying and mastering the art of Feng Shui further expanded her ability to read into energies as well as uncovering blockages. She also attended the Stargate Mystery School where she studied unordinary states of consciousness and subtle energies. From there she sought out and gained her attunements in Usui Reiki and began learning and practicing other modalities of energy work such as the work she’s most known for today, which is IET.


Integrated Energy Therapy is a hands-on healing therapy system that “gets the issues out of your tissues”…for good! It is a safe and gentle way of releasing energy blockages that can cause imbalance and disease in the body. IET promotes healing in all areas of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves. Using IET as her main method of healing Emily has been able to significantly improve the lives of her clients struggling in such areas as pain, stress, depression, negative habit patterns, phobias, heart/soulmate connections, and soul retrieval… to name just a few.

Emily Barzin at Woodstock Healing Arts

Integrated Energy Therapy

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Emily, I just wanted you to know that your work and your healing abilities are far and away the BEST I've ever had. You don't need anything else in your healing bag of tricks that I can see. I prefer your work to anyone else's, hands down. Even Unity Healing!

Dr. Christopher Allen, D.C.
Great Barrington, Massachusetts

This woman, quite literally, gave me my life back!

Love, Anonymous

High praises for Master IET Therapist and Teacher, Ms. Emily Barzin, who’s profound healings and teachings cured me of a multi year debilitating condition after tick bites left me with the “shakes” in my nerves. Working with Emily however, I stopped shaking altogether & felt like myself again, which was nothing short of a miracle. I was so moved by the profundity of the shifts in me, that I finally asked her to teach me IET, and joined her exceptional IET Certification Program that has improved my life and that of my loved ones and clients beyond measure. Emily Barzin is a most effective Healer, Is a Healer’s Healer, and a genuine and thoughtful Teacher of the Healing Arts. She is a hidden gem of the Hudson Valley and is a Gift to anyone who is blessed to grace her table or her workshops. I thank the Heavens to have found her and I look forward to my next session with Emily at WHA!

In loving gratitude,

Cristina Charles, New York

In just one session, Emily’s energy work has relieved my back pain for over 6 months now.

Jess Caughlin
Menands, NY

Just had my second session with Emily! The first time, I went in skeptical, but open. I've had lots of other modalities of body work (massage, acupuncture, meditation) and had success but working with energy was new to me.
Without discussing much, because I didn't really know what I was doing, Emily got to the root of things...somehow! And, I forgot to mention to her in the beginning I was having hip-knee-ankle pain, just because I thought I was just living with it and had been treating it with acupuncture, Rofing, rolling. After the first session, it is GONE. SO freaky. And amazing! On the emotional side, which is so tied to the physical, she helped me let go of things so I can better enjoy my life.
Emily has helped me realize there is so much more of me to give to others, and how to give so much more to myself. I am incredibly grateful to her and in awe of her talent!


Today I had a remote healing session with Emily Barzin, who is a dedicated healer extraordinaire. We talked briefly on the phone about what I wanted to focus on, then we hung up. She tuned in to me from afar and I began meditating from my end. Almost immediately my tears began to flow and continued for almost the full hour. My body also, right from the start, began shaking and moving with no prompting from me. Sometimes slow shaking and moving, and sometimes very pronounced full spine moving and shaking. This was the body's way of letting go of issues that had been with me for literally lifetimes. It was truly amazing to experience and the best part is there is no psycho drama involved. Just the healer facilitating the letting go of that which no longer serves the client. Upon re-connecting on the phone following the hour long session, everything that Emily told me that was up for clearing and healing I totally knew was true. Her post-session guidance regarding how best to process the healing was also spot on. It is with profound love and respect that I recommend Emily Barzin to everyone.
I gotta say I really haven't felt this free in a while, a long while. I feel high on life and ready to thrive. I can’t thank you enough. You truly are amazing.
Jeremy Wood
Hurley, NY
I have been a client of Emily’s for the past 4 years. I’m not even sure where to begin with how amazing her work is and Emily herself. We began by releasing the dark and putting more light into my body and soul. As this happened I was feeling lighter, happier and for the first time in a long time becoming more and more positive. The first few sessions I was bedridden, in a life threatening situation, and not healing. After 2 sessions my body began to heal.
I’ve had gallbladder stones, which Emily picked up on prior to being diagnosed, shortly after another session with Emily they some how dissolved to never be seen again. I’ve also battled with pre cancer cells which were gradually getting worse and worse and were of high concern, once again- somehow these have simply disappeared with no signs! How does that happen?? It’s my body healing itself with the guidance of Emily, working for the higher good with my cells and body. The past 2 session have been absolutely amazing! Releasing shame and working on letting go of issues and concerns that my body was holding onto from past lives. Somehow after meeting with Emily, I gained a strength I didn’t know I had, and stopped history repeating itself- I started to recognize the sign and warning of the past. We’ve worked on love and being loved- and acceptance that I have never had- never felt I should be loved nor deserved to be loved. This was not something I discussed with Emily at any point, but clearly came out throughout the session. Everything has been aligning, I am now in the most amazing relationship I could ever imagine, allowing him to love and me to be loved. It is an unfamiliar experience that words can not describe. But through working with Emily and the guidance she has given my body, I am embracing every moment. As we’ve said, why not- the past wasn’t working for me, so live in the present - why not! Working with Emily on communication and not feeling shunned or ashamed to have my own feelings and to allow me to speak up- this has also changed my life and world for the better. I now communicate more clearly and easily, without hesitation. Anyone thinking about IET with Emily, - don’t hesitate, make the phone call, make the appointment and allow her to guide you and your body onto the life’s path you deserve! Emily has an amazing ability to help our bodies heal, let go of whatever may be holding us back, release the past so your soul can heal and move forward for a better you and life in the present! I wouldn’t be living the best life I have ever had, finally! Thank you Emily for all the amazing work you do!!
I would compare the session to a mind and body “restart button”. My session was a gift and I had no preconceived ideas or expectations. Although difficult to describe in words, I left Woodstock Healing Arts with a truer sense of clarity, strength and ease about both my emotional and and physical being. Emily’s treatment allowed me to remember and reconnect with who I am.