Dannah Chaifetz is a professional intuitive and a psychic medium who has had these abilities all of her life. As Dannah looks at people or at photographs of people, she receives very specific information for and about them which offer clear cut and manageable ways to help you to become free of self restraints and subconscious patterns. She also receives information about partners, children and people close to you.


Dannah will take your photo with her laptop and delete it when the session is over. As she looks at your photos,  she will tell you what she’s seeing and feeling, and what you may need to know. You may also ask her questions.


If you want to discuss any relationships bring along their photos – photos of people on your phone are the easiest way for her to read people and you may also take photos of photographs if needed.  As long as she can clearly see the person’s eyes she can read the person.




• Break through emotional blocks that hold you back
• Understand yourself better
• Gain clarity
• Receive guidance to help you sort out your life and your emotions
• Gain valuable insights about yourself and your relationships
• Heal and make changes to become more balanced and whole


Dannah is currently on staff at The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck and at Menla Mountain Retreat in Phoenicia, offering her Intuitive Soul Guidance, and has also led spirit guide workshops at Lily Dale. Her channeled guidance, suggestions and information is often transformational.


Appointments are done remotely or in Dannah’s Phoenicia Home Office.

Intuitive Soul Guidance

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Many of us find ourselves in emotional patterns and behaviors that we really don’t want to be in anymore. We know that our habituated behavior patterns are holding us back, and that they are keeping us from enjoying healthy and loving relationships, and from living the life we want for ourselves.  Often it is our wounded inner child, who has not healed and who creates problems and issues for us as adults.


During your Guided Inner Child Healing, Dannah will take you into a very relaxed and receptive state. Dannah will help you access the child within you and address the emotions, beliefs and insecurities that your child decided on long ago.  Form here, you reconnect with this deep but forgotten part of yourself, and begin to discover the real cause of many of your fears, insecurities and sabotaging life patterns.  When you listen to, communicate with, and nurture your inner child, a path is created to heal the roots of many of your issues as an adult. This work can be surprisingly powerful, transformational and deeply healing.


Guided Inner Child Healing sessions run 2 hours and include an energy healing. These sessions are only offered following a regular Psychic Guidance & Intuitive Counseling reading to determine whether it might be helpful or appropriate and to give Dannah a foundation to work from.


We all carry memories from our past lives into this one. These past life experiences still continue to influence and affect us in both positive and negative ways. During a Past Life Regression session you will explore your prior lifetimes. By making these memories conscious, you can release the patterns that no longer serve you, freeing you from painful cords to the past that hold you back and prevent you from living fully in the present. It is often truly miraculous and amazing what surfaces and how it can help and heal your life.


Dannah Chaifetz was trained by Brian Weiss and uses his process which includes guided relaxation and guided imagery techniques that bring you into a state of consciousness where you can more easily access these memories. She pairs this with her intuitive abilities, and guides you in the process for maximum integration, understanding and healing. The session is active. Session are 90 minutes to 2 hours. Dannah does not tell you your past life, but rather you experience, see it, sense it, and/or feel it yourself.


Through this process many people:


  • Release fears and anxieties linked to past life trauma
  • Gain a greater awareness of your life purpose
  • Release past life traumas that are at the root of current physical problems
  • Explore Karmic patterns which involve spiritual lessons
  • Transform and release blocks and behaviors that hold you back
  • Understand and heal dark feelings and images that just don’t seem rooted in this life
  • See your connections and history with current family members and friends which are facilitated by Past Life Memories. This creates healing and understanding that often frees and improves these important relationships
  • Energize talents and abilities from the past


Past life regression is the process of healing the soul by healing the past.


I have had many readings with many psychics and Dannah’s work is as good as anyone I have ever encountered. She gets very accurate readings of people and situations which I ask her about. My initial assessment of this was based on her telling me about situations which I already knew about, but which she did not. In this way, I saw that her information was accurate and asked her for her reads and advice about future situations. I have been very happy with the work she has done for me, I highly recommend Dannah - I recommended her to some friends who were also VERY pleased with her readings.`` -Elliot Landy, Photographer, Woodstock NY
My inner child healing session with Dannah has been an unparalleled therapeutic experience. Her gentle guided meditation led me to the little girl I was once was and revealed that she is still very much a part of me. We communicated easily and I learned that she yearns for my attention, understanding, care and support. I left my session with Dannah with a deeper connection to myself and with a self love that I have been depriving myself of for too long. Dannah is profoundly compassionate and gifted. I feel everyone deserves this deep level of healing. - Mara Leblanc, Stone Ridge, NY. Photo
Dannah makes what can be an intimidating exploration of self into a comfortable and inspiring journey. My session with Dannah was a powerful release of layers of emotional heaviness that shifted my consciousness. Her gift is true and I felt complete trust in her process, which led me to some deep and helpful places within my soul. Her insight and sensitive awareness is welcoming and I’m so thankful she is sharing her talent with all. - Nicole Bernhardt, Woodstock, NY
Dannah is the real thing! I don't have a lot of experience with psychic services but she made me feel vert comfortable and walked me through the process. She definitely cared about providing me with the best experience possible. She guessed things that were impossible to guess unless you know me personally. She was honest, and genuinely caring. I recommend Dannah! I will definitely use her services again soon. -Claudia G. NY, NY
Dannah is clear, concise and spot on! She helped me confirm my own instincts and direction. For me, the guidance was healing (during a very painful time) and cleared the way to move forward much quicker. I was surprised at how much she could tune into!! -Lesa T.
Dannah is great! Very caring, concerned and in-tune; pretty amazing what she can see in photos! Highly recommend. -Kari H. Hunter, NY
An incredibly special experience. Dannah is authentic, insightful and accurate. I feel blessed to have met her.
-M.C. Stone Ridge, NY
Totally insightful, true, thoughtful....and, helpful. Fab experience. -R Kristol
I had a reading with Dannah Chaifetz and it was one of the best readings I have ever had! Her energy is amazing!! Highly recommend her!!! -Michael Dockery
I’m still in shock from my reading with Dannah. Her accuracy blew my mind! She touched on things that no one could have known. I laughed, I cried and more importantly she helped me work through some things I didn’t even know were holding me back. I can’t recommend her enough!” -Susan Ferraro
I had an intuitive reading with Dannah and within the first 30 seconds she had nailed my life on the head. It was surprising to have her know that about my life because it’s not something I have ever talked about publicly and she wouldn’t know. Her intuition is strong and clear and I found a lot of clarity and peace in our session. I walked away knowing what the next step for me was in my business and my love life. I highly recommend Dannah. -Jodi McMurray
It's hard to accurately put into words what my reading with Dannah did for me mentally, spiritually and emotionally. It was such a powerful thing to experience. Dannah's gift and ability to read people's energy is amazing. My session with Dannah was such an incredible and beneficial experience. It was so eye opening and therapeutic for a long list of reasons. I would highly recommend Dannah to anyone and everyone. -Mercedes C.
I had never had an intuitive reading before and was a bit nervous to try one. I’m so glad that I went ahead with a photo reading with Dannah. The process was simple, I felt at ease and, most importantly, the insights she shared were extremely valuable. I was astonished at how accurately she described my characteristics and feelings, as well as those of the people around me. I’m truly excited and motivated to act on the information I learned from our session, and create a life that feels amazing! If you are feeling stuck, seeking reassurance, or looking for guidance, I would absolutely recommend a reading with Dannah. -Kim Samra, Financial Analyst
I've found Dannah through several carefully researched queries and since working with her for a year now, I owe much of my growth, clarity and wisdom from our sessions together. From a place of love and light, she's been honest, open and kind about her guidance. Since our first session, she knew exactly from my health to the relationships in my life that needed attention. She always takes her time with you, you never feel rushed or unsure of her guidance. She's supportive and makes certain that she's clarified everything you need to know to move forward in your process of healing, self-awareness and growth. Thank you Dannah for sharing your gifts, and opening yourself to help others on their path! -Chloe L
Working with Dannah was very therapeutic and I feel much lighter knowing the information that I was able to access with her help. With her help I was able to unlock past life doors that I would not of been able to experience with out her intuitive gifts. I felt safe with her and she was very comforting person to be with when I was having such an emotional experience. She is amazing and her gifts can change your life for the better.``Evey Trautman